When was the last time you did that thing?

When was the last time you did your thing? | Violeta Nedkova

Hey there rebel!

The day has come - I have started VLOGGING.

And I don’t mean like last couple of times when I did a few videos and then dropped off the face of Youtube for a year.

This time I have invested quite a lot of time and energy into creating the videos, learning how to do video better, editing the videos, creating images, even trying to come up with an intro message + song and then getting rid of it.

My goal for this channel is to share my thoughts as a writer, multipassionate, and creative rebel, and have you join me on this crazy journey.

The first vlog is a tiny motivational video:


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Thanks for watching! Rebel on.

Violeta Nedkova

Violeta Nedkova is a multipassionate marketer who loves helping people. She talks and writes about marketing with purpose and personality because it's so much better than traditional marketing.