What if you can't stick to a schedule or a deadline? This is for the rebels.

What if you can't stick to a schedule or a deadline? This is for the rebels.

Let's be real here...

Most of us can't stick to a lot of things, being rebels and all.

I remember the agony of University and how I would start all of my papers at the last minute, even though I had had months to prepare and start writing.

Instead, I would start the previous night or the weekend, and have to be ready first thing on Monday morning or the next day. And it was excruciating. I mean, it's one thing to prepare for months and start writing the last minute. I'm talking that both preparing and writing would happen at the last minute. I would also start cramming information the last minute before a test.

I'll never forget this one time when I went out and partied the night before a big test, got insanely drunk, threw up, passed out, woke up in my room without a key for the front door OR my ID card, which I would need for the test...

How to set goals and not become completely overwhelmed.

How to set goals and not become completely overwhelmed.

I will share an insight I've had with a client recently because I believe it is of the utmost importance to creatives.

So you you're doing what you love, you're hustling, living the dream.

Naturally, the dream looks and feels more like being at an endless party - fun at first but eventually it wears down on ya, and you just want to rest, dammit! Which is where the word sustainable comes from. We all feel like once we can sustain our blogs, brands, and businesses, we can rest and relax and have fun.

Weeeeeell, I won't argue with you cos we have bigger fish to fry.

To get to the sustainable part, we each have our systems we mostly devised ourselves, because let's face it, we hate other people telling us what to do, and when they do, some of the time it works but most of the time it doesn't because we are all different individuals with different strengths.

But our systems don't always work either. Sometimes they backfire.

Do you want to turn your bad creative habits into better ones? Hell yes!

Do you want to turn your bad creative habits into better ones? Hell yes!

The free training is here!

So when I asked on twitter what you guys wanted to learn about, the answer was loud and clear - better creative habits. :)

And it's totally normal for us all to want that seeing as creatives aren't famous for being super productive, how, are we? What we are famous about is being moody and cutting our ears off. Or becoming alcoholics.

If you think about it, creativity can drive some people to madness, but it can also drive other people to success. I believe it's a choice, in the end.

So today I am answering your request and digging into your creative habits. 

We'll discuss how habits work, where to find the answers we are looking for, how to dig deeper to the root cause instead of just treating the symptom, and finally, discuss something I like to call a tipping (or avalanche) habit.

At the end of the article, you'll also be able to sign up for the training!

How to be more productive and work fewer hours.

How to be more productive and work fewer hours.

hey, this is no clickbait... 

I just wanted to share my progress from procrastination and distraction to productive and getting sh*t done. Seeing as we all struggle to get things done and not lose our minds in the process (did you know that hustling is bad for you), I thought this could be helpful for all of us to reflect on.

Don't get me wrong, I still struggle, always will, but progress matters. Even if it's just small progress, that's much more than many people get.

So let me share my 3-step Plan to Progress & Productivity with ya. :)

Forget the numbers and focus on the work.

Forget the numbers and focus on the work.

Yesterday was a peculiar day.

First I got a clear rebel call to action on twitter from Jason Zook.

He said,

Ask yourself this question: "Is anyone ACTUALLY using the social share buttons on my website?" If the answer is no, remove the damn thing! Mediocre content doesn't get shared just because you slapped social sharing icons on your site. Great content gets shared no matter what.

Which made total sense and had me reexamine why I was using Sumo.

How Giving Myself Permission to Suck for 30 Days Transformed My Creative Process

How Giving Myself Permission to Suck for 30 Days Transformed My Creative Process

This entire journey started very simple...

I wanted to beat my perfectionism and procrastination tendencies.

Well, let me tell ya... when you allow yourself to SUCK, you really do flip perfectionism off because you're putting things out there that aren't "ready" and you become braver and braver in your creation process. So much so, you're shipping things in days!

If I hadn't done the 30 Days of Sucking challenge, I would not have shipped The Creative Business Companion so fast, or ever. And what a shame that would've been.