What It's Like to Write 25,000 Words in 15 Hours - Don't Do It!!!

What It's Like to Write 25,000 Words in 15 Hours - Don't Do It!!!

Hey there rebel!

You know me, I’m kind of bonkers…

So when I say, oh you know, I wrote 25,000 words in 15 hours, no big deal. You’ll probably believe me, and then you’ll have me committed.

Truthfully, I do NOT recommend writing so much in so little time, but you’ll see why I did it and what happened in the video…

For now, I’ll just say:

Every writer has their own unique writing process, and you don’t need to write in any particular way to be a “real writer.” Any writing process that you have is legit and if it works for you, that’s perfect.

Keep writing YOUR WAY. This is mine…

When can you call yourself a writer? How about an author? My answer.

When can you call yourself a writer? How about an author? My answer.

Hey there rebel.

I wanted to address this topic because I see people talk about this a lot and newbie writers or authors feeling insecure about it.

Because for some reason some writers/authors out there feel like it’s appropriate to sit on their high horses and judge the rest of us.

First of all, it’s NOT appropriate to judge anyone’s journey.

And second of all, if you write, you ARE a writer.

As for the word author… there are different opinions, so check out my video to see what my opinion is, and always remember:

The only “correct way” is YOUR WAY.