How to make your life, career, and business YOURS.

How to make your life, career, and business YOURS.

Hey there rebel!

I've been thinking a lot about making things yours... 

Because there's a lot of rules and limitations in life, we sometimes forget that we have a choice in changing and controlling where our life or work is going, and as a result, we fall into a false sense of security that ends up becoming our unbecoming. In the end, we all want to be happy, not just to get by.

So how do you make your life yours? Your career? Your business?

I asked myself this question because it comes up a lot with my clients...

How exactly can you "find" your purpose and why would you want to?

How exactly can you "find" your purpose and why would you want to?

Confession time.

A lot of the time I worry if people understand what I mean by "find your purpose" because I used to be someone who was confused by that.

What does she mean my purpose! I make my destiny. This is crapola.

What does she mean find it? I need to make it, not find it, duh.

I'm with you on the whole "make your destiny" pitch and following your passions instead of something so ephemeral that a lot of people can't even explain. 

But the question here isn't what you call it. It's whether you want to infuse your life - and creative career - with meaning. It's whether you need to focus all of your efforts in one direction, so that you're less scattered. And it's whether you want something so big, so personal, that will last you throughout all of your crazy creative ideas, and you'll love it, and it will motivate you like crazy. 

One way to get all those things is to "find" your purpose.

When you get tired of your own BS, that's when the magic happens.

When you get tired of your own BS, that's when the magic happens.

There have been many times in my life I had tired of my BS and done something about it. There was the time when I tired of depression and went to a therapist to get diagnosed so I could finally lead a better, happier life. There was the time when I tired of flailing about trying to find "jobs" because that's what I was "supposed to do," even though I hated it, so I started my business then.

And now I have reached the limit of another BS point...

Have you found your authentic path yet? Here's how I found mine...

Have you found your authentic path yet? Here's how I found mine...

For most of my life, I followed the rules.

I was a good student.

I never missed an appointment.

When I needed to learn something, I started from the books.

Basically, I was a good little girl who had faith in society, traditional education, and the people enforcing both. I had faith they would bring me somewhere. However, they brought me to a miserable place. A place where everything was predictable and boring. Where people were like robots with certifications who never stood out and who always did as they were told.

It's why for most of my life I have done creative projects on the side.

A part of me just always KNEW I would never be happy if all I was was a good little girl who followed the rules. That is why I was a rebel in my free time. I started collaborations, projects, and blogs that reflected who I really was.

Don't confine yourself into a niche. Find your Core Message first.

Don't confine yourself into a niche. Find your Core Message first.


Which you don’t really want to do because:

  1. You’re a rebel and you don’t want to put yourself in a box;
  2. Even if you did want to do that, you wouldn’t even know where to begin!

Listen, I get where you’re coming from because I’ve been there. More than once. And the truth is that I have listened to the experts more times than I would have liked. But there comes a time when you stop listening to the experts and start listening to your own gut or internal compass or whatever you call it.

There comes a time when you need to do what works best for you.

Now let’s see why this is really bad advice...

Feeling stuck? You need a higher mission.

Feeling stuck? You need a higher mission.

I like to believe that I've discovered my life-long mission. It's to help people become more alive and confident about their creative superpowers. It's to help others see things differently and think and act in authentic and courageous ways.

It's to awaken the creative rebel in everyone.

Your higher mission - or purpose - is the natural resolution of your life. All of your talents, skills, and life experiences have led to this moment. Now let's explore it a little bit closer and see how you can trigger it in your own life.

Why Hustling Is Actually Bad for You and "The Four States of Being"

Why Hustling Is Actually Bad for You and "The Four States of Being"

Last week I experienced a catharsis. This particular one was EPIC because it caused a major shift in my mindset. It was the resolution to a constant battle with burnout — one that I’ve been losing for years. It felt as if a strong wave of calm washed over me, leaving me behind feeling like a Hindu cow. FINALLY. I WAS FREE.

Free of constant hustling, of feeling like I have to do everything, of the expectations imposed on me by me, of the constant need to prove myself, of going in circles and feeling like a hamster stuck in a cage, the wheel my only friend.

Do we have to try so hard? Does it have to be so difficult?

What is your creative dream? Start from the Core, not the Surface.

What is your creative dream? Start from the Core, not the Surface.

I have noticed a worrisome trend on the interwebs...

Every person who comes to me, almost everyone who filled my survey, and most of my peers answers "What is your dream?" with a job title or a skill.

What do you want to do? - I want to be a writer.
What do you do want to do in 10 years? - I want to design websites.
What do you want to do NOW? - I have no idea.

Speak your truth. A life guide for when things get overwhelming.

Speak your truth. A life guide for when things get overwhelming.

We are different. Your zone of genius is different than mine.

You may feel great on camera, I feel great before a blank sheet of paper. You may want to be a social entrepreneur, helping the less fortunate, and I want to be a coach to people who are stuck in unfortunate ways of thinking. Everybody has circumstances they want to change. But that's the thing, circumstances are temporary. 

Everything is temporary. Except one thing.

In this article, I want you to really think about this thing and do the exercises. My hope is that they open you up and free you from unnecessary things. Once you're free, you'll have enough space for new creative ideas to come in. Flood in, actually.

How to Align Everything Before Selling (Complete Guide with Exercises)

How to Align Everything Before Selling (Complete Guide with Exercises)

Imagine you’re building a house. You start with the first floor, then the second, and years later — after you’ve lived in it for a while — you want to add a balcony or another floor, but your contractor tells you the house wasn’t built for that. 

Do you tear it down and start over or do you wish you’d thought about it earlier?

This building is your business. (And your services, and your products.) Starting over is costly and timely, so you need an excellent foundation with room for growth.

This is why I created the following "Venn Alignment Diagram".