Dear Multipassionate Writer... I See You.

Dear Multipassionate Writer... I See You.

Hey there rebel!

We are all writers around here.

But what if we’re not just writers? What if we have a ton of passions and we don’t know how to balance them? What if we jump into a new interest every other month and the result is a bunch of scattered effort?

Certainly not enough to finish anything.

Welcome to being a multipassionate writer!!!

I have spent many years being one and working as one, so I see you, and I would love to talk to you, see what you’re struggling with.

If you’re a multipassionate writer, let me know…

Every multipassionate makes this mistake when starting a business.

Every multipassionate makes this mistake when starting a business.

Hey there rebel!

If you're reading this, you have many interests and the last thing you want to do is to specialize in one thing/field/skill. Right?

Well, that probably goes for the kind of business you start, too.

If you don't want to box yourself in a single discipline or an industry, if you want to keep your options open and keep exploring everything you find fascinating, WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU BOX YOURSELF INTO A NICHE?!

There, I said it.

I am flying in the face of marketing and expert advice. And there are experts out there who are actually pulling their hair out, reading this.

Dear Multipassionate, you don't need the box to complete your puzzle.

Dear Multipassionate, you don't need the box to complete your puzzle.

Hey there rebel!

Remember when you were little and doing all the puzzles?

Your parents would buy you the really cute ones, and it would be a breeze to complete them, but every once in a while, they'd get you a really tough one, and you'd have no choice but to constantly peek at the box...

Now imagine you're an adult, completing your life puzzle, and you don't have a box to look at when things get tough. 

Imagine that none of the pieces seem to fit together.


Welcome to the life of a multipassionate.

Why it's OK to be multipassionate, even though society doesn't want you to be.

Why it's OK to be multipassionate, even though society doesn't want you to be.

Hey multipasionate!


You’re multipassionate, meaning you have many interests.

Congrats! You are now a minority, which means that society will often disregard your needs and suffocate your dreams.

Hold on, there must be some good news… Right???

Actually, there is!

There are SO many multipassionate people out there, and you can join forces with them to feel less alone and discriminated against.

To be clear, we are not so much discriminated against as we are completely ignored and misunderstood. I don’t think the world even knows we exist, which is probably why most multipassionate people don’t know it's OK to be who they are until their late 20s or maybe even later.

When you have many dreams, which one do you choose? Take this test.

When you have many dreams, which one do you choose? Take this test.

See if you can relate to this...

You used to be a big dreamer. When you were little, you would wake up and proclaim what your new dream was, or maybe you were the quiet sort, who would go directly to the store and buy whatever materials you'd need to kickstart your dream career. And mortify your parents.

Archaeologist, actress, film director, veterinarian, dog walker, astronaut.

As children, we all have these big dreams, and as we grow older, we go through different ones, outgrow them, and move on to the next one. In the process, we sometimes lose ourselves or get stuck somewhere.

Problem is, the world can't always accommodate our crazy dreams.

And it's not like we can be ALL THE THINGS...

How I managed to complete my project with the non-negotiables method.

How I managed to complete my project with the non-negotiables method.

Sometimes I'm too creative for my own good. You know the type...

Head buzzing with ideas, various projects on the go, getting bored quickly, etc. Which is why I couldn't complete a book draft FOR YEARS. 

You see, apart from having my own creative business, I write science fiction and lately fantasy novels, and by that I mean I write incomplete drafts that I can never finish because I'm already onto the next book. Naturally, this is a recipe for never getting published, which happens to be my biggest dream.

Why can't I just push myself to finish the damn thing?

Because it's BORING!

Is your brand not focused enough? Here's how to niche, the rebel way.

Is your brand not focused enough? Here's how to niche, the rebel way.


But first things first: What IS a niche?

To niche, or niche down, is to make your brand very specific, as in covering a specific topic or bringing a specific result to a specific audience.

Anywho, so my friend was saying that she had just broadened the topics she covered and was afraid that made her brand too vague and unfocused. And since all the experts advise to do the opposite, she was worried.

A lot of us worry about this because we love a lot of things and we don't want to "super niche" like the experts advise. As a result, most of us worry that our brands are too general and unfocused, that we don't have a niche, that we're confusing our people, etc. It's a perfectly natural feeling to have.

However, worrying about it doesn't mean that we should blindly do whatever the experts tell us. Especially if you're multipassionate and nicheing down equates to getting into a super tight catwoman suit. Or a shrinking box.

So if you feel like your brand is not focused enough and you don't know how to niche it, I'd like to propose an alternative way to "niche." 

"Being multipassionate, how can I bring all of my interests together?"

"Being multipassionate, how can I bring all of my interests together?"

This is a question I get a lot.

When I talk to people who apply for coaching or just follow my blog and newsletter, I almost always get this questions from fellow multipassionate rebels, so today I've decided to answer it in detail. 

It is my hope that this article will help you build the multipassionate life of your dreams, or at least start you in that direction. :)

Because having many passions is not an obstacle on your way, it's an opportunity to carve your unique path.

Now, first things first... 

Dear ENFPs, Rebels, and Multipassionates, stop comparing, start celebrating.

Dear ENFPs, Rebels, and Multipassionates, stop comparing, start celebrating.

You know how sometimes you look at your neighbors and they have a better garden, a bigger family, and a better car? Maybe they have more money or bigger accomplishments. Maybe they're more beautiful, more creative, more... fill in the blank.

As long as you have this comparison mindset, you'll never be happy! 

I'm trying to remember where my ENFP-hate/fixation began. Probably when I was in University and they were telling us to focus, pay attention, and cultivate "successful" learning habits, which we would then use "in the real world" as we look for jobs.

Gag me. If I could go back in time, I'd gag them, too.

Dear Multipassionate, these are not problems, they're opportunities.

Dear Multipassionate, these are not problems, they're opportunities.

Sometimes it feels like society has all these rules and stereotypes at the ready, which are not necessarily the best for us to believe or utilize. For example, Multipassionates have been hiding and underestimating ourselves for decades because of them.

Today I want to bust some myths and offer you my point of view because I have been living the life of a Multipassionate for too long and have finally accepted all that I am. There's a certain freedom that comes with acceptance. So let's do this thang.

Let's examine the top 3 "problems" Multipassionates torture ourselves over.