Is your brand not focused enough? Here's how to niche, the rebel way.

Is your brand not focused enough? Here's how to niche, the rebel way.


But first things first: What IS a niche?

To niche, or niche down, is to make your brand very specific, as in covering a specific topic or bringing a specific result to a specific audience.

Anywho, so my friend was saying that she had just broadened the topics she covered and was afraid that made her brand too vague and unfocused. And since all the experts advise to do the opposite, she was worried.

A lot of us worry about this because we love a lot of things and we don't want to "super niche" like the experts advise. As a result, most of us worry that our brands are too general and unfocused, that we don't have a niche, that we're confusing our people, etc. It's a perfectly natural feeling to have.

However, worrying about it doesn't mean that we should blindly do whatever the experts tell us. Especially if you're multipassionate and nicheing down equates to getting into a super tight catwoman suit. Or a shrinking box.

So if you feel like your brand is not focused enough and you don't know how to niche it, I'd like to propose an alternative way to "niche." 

Starting a brand? Stop asking other people to tell you who you are.

Starting a brand? Stop asking other people to tell you who you are.

I was listening to a particularly vivifying speech by Simon Sinek.

You know the one... he's one of the big rebels, who says we should start with WHY, not with WHAT. He's the one who says the words purpose and fulfillment a lot. He doesn't apologize for it and he doesn't teach leaders to be perfect. He teaches us all to be human, vulnerable, and humble. 

Which is WHY I like him...

He doesn't BS, he always stands firmly by his truth, no matter the consequence. (Which is what true creative rebels do, by the way.)

So I was listening to one of his motivational speeches in a compilation called "The 10 Rules of Success According to Simon Sinek" or something. And although I never click these clickbaity things, this time I did, and I was happy for it. 

Rebelify your website - because it's YOURS.

Rebelify your website - because it's YOURS.

It's rebelifying time!


Because once you start you cannot stop. I should know.

This time we're looking at your website and how you can make it more YOU. How you can finally let go of the expectations of others and the expert advice. How you can stick your flag on the Moon.

Oh yeah, almost forgot...

Some people ask why they should have a website, and even though I am not one to set rules for others - or use the word should - I will admit that I don't understand the question. 

It's like going to the Moon and not sticking your flag on it.

In Merlin's name, why.

Are you rebranding? These 5 creative rebels can help.

Are you rebranding? These 5 creative rebels can help.

OK, they didn't help me personally but...

If I hadn't had access to their wisdom, my brand could be different now.

And I am NOT saying that I ignored myself (again) so that I can listen to a bunch of experts tell me what I'm supposed to do. You know me better than that.

I'm saying that their rebelliousness gave me great rebellious ideas.

That's just how rebellion works. It's contagious.

So let's look at the 5 rebels who helped me relaunch my site and rebrand it, and bring to you this new site that is the most authentic I have ever been.

You're a fun, creative person. But why is your brand so dull?

You're a fun, creative person. But why is your brand so dull?

This has to be my #1 pet peeve of ALL TIME...

So I'm talking to you, and you mention your love for voice over artistry and your weird collection of chinese characters - and we're bonding over our creative dreams and fears... and it's like we have achieved the perfect creative symbiosis.

I decide to check out your website out of curiosity. Because I'm a marketing coach and because this is my secret stalkerish hobby. And... OMG.

Where did you go??? I'm looking at something grey and "professional." Gag.

Build a professional and beautiful-looking website without learning code.

Build a professional and beautiful-looking website without learning code.

I've only had this website up for a month now and I'm in love with it.

I am constantly improving it, playing with it, and discovering new levels of awesome in the meantime. And this is only possible because it's hosted on Squarespace.

Easiest website builder you'll ever use.