Hey rebel, are you doing creativity backwards?

Hey rebel, are you doing creativity backwards?

We all know how creation works...

You create a planet, populate it, and rest on the 7th day.

Or if you're a mere mortal, creation works like this -> first you got the idea, then you grab the tools, then you bring it into existence, and finally you get to figure out what you're gonna do with it and who's going to benefit from it.


Well, these days the process goes differently...

First you get an idea, then you figure out how to package and market it, then you might even presell it, and all that BEFORE you create it. This is probably why we spend our days overplanning and underdelivering. Some of us will abandon projects before we start them and jump from idea to idea, plan to plan, before we ever get to create our unfortunate, miscarried masterpieces.

Do you want to turn your bad creative habits into better ones? Hell yes!

Do you want to turn your bad creative habits into better ones? Hell yes!

The free training is here!

So when I asked on twitter what you guys wanted to learn about, the answer was loud and clear - better creative habits. :)

And it's totally normal for us all to want that seeing as creatives aren't famous for being super productive, how, are we? What we are famous about is being moody and cutting our ears off. Or becoming alcoholics.

If you think about it, creativity can drive some people to madness, but it can also drive other people to success. I believe it's a choice, in the end.

So today I am answering your request and digging into your creative habits. 

We'll discuss how habits work, where to find the answers we are looking for, how to dig deeper to the root cause instead of just treating the symptom, and finally, discuss something I like to call a tipping (or avalanche) habit.

At the end of the article, you'll also be able to sign up for the training!

How to be more productive and work fewer hours.

How to be more productive and work fewer hours.

hey, this is no clickbait... 

I just wanted to share my progress from procrastination and distraction to productive and getting sh*t done. Seeing as we all struggle to get things done and not lose our minds in the process (did you know that hustling is bad for you), I thought this could be helpful for all of us to reflect on.

Don't get me wrong, I still struggle, always will, but progress matters. Even if it's just small progress, that's much more than many people get.

So let me share my 3-step Plan to Progress & Productivity with ya. :)

Rebelify your website - because it's YOURS.

Rebelify your website - because it's YOURS.

It's rebelifying time!


Because once you start you cannot stop. I should know.

This time we're looking at your website and how you can make it more YOU. How you can finally let go of the expectations of others and the expert advice. How you can stick your flag on the Moon.

Oh yeah, almost forgot...

Some people ask why they should have a website, and even though I am not one to set rules for others - or use the word should - I will admit that I don't understand the question. 

It's like going to the Moon and not sticking your flag on it.

In Merlin's name, why.

Are you rebranding? These 5 creative rebels can help.

Are you rebranding? These 5 creative rebels can help.

OK, they didn't help me personally but...

If I hadn't had access to their wisdom, my brand could be different now.

And I am NOT saying that I ignored myself (again) so that I can listen to a bunch of experts tell me what I'm supposed to do. You know me better than that.

I'm saying that their rebelliousness gave me great rebellious ideas.

That's just how rebellion works. It's contagious.

So let's look at the 5 rebels who helped me relaunch my site and rebrand it, and bring to you this new site that is the most authentic I have ever been.

Have you lost your joy? Let's make your creative business fun again.

Have you lost your joy?  Let's make your creative business fun again.

Instead of throwing the usual daily tantrum:

Waaaa, I don't wanna do this today! and Work is boring, when do I play?

Now I find myself feeling more excited than frustrated:

Wheeeeeee, I can't wait to start tomorrow, and enthusiasm-related insomnia.

Don't get me wrong, work is still work, but I feel like I stumbled upon something that really helped me design a life that is more fun than it is work. It's a simple exercise, which you can try for yourself after watching the short video below. 

How I failed at launching my first course.

How I failed at launching my first course.

I was visited by the ghost of past launches...

While I don't believe in resolutions so much, I do believe in hindsight.

Everything makes sense when you look back on it, and when you do, you gain the power to change your present, and future. Which is why I'm taking stock right now.

There's a movie called Failure to Launch, and it pretty much sums up last year for me. While I was doing OK for money and had stable clients, I knew nothing about products. And because I've always loved to create things, I decided it was time.

A crazy side project is exactly what your creative business needs.

A crazy side project is exactly what your creative business needs.

A lot of creatives come to me asking how they can make money.

How they can make their business sustainable.

And I look at their brands and see... products, packages, selling.

I ask myself, What would make me buy from this person? The answer? Nothing.

If you want people to buy from you, you need them to discover you.

For example, I find people from social media, but I don't really care about the screaming messages where they announce it's the LAST DAY to buy...

You're a fun, creative person. But why is your brand so dull?

You're a fun, creative person. But why is your brand so dull?

This has to be my #1 pet peeve of ALL TIME...

So I'm talking to you, and you mention your love for voice over artistry and your weird collection of chinese characters - and we're bonding over our creative dreams and fears... and it's like we have achieved the perfect creative symbiosis.

I decide to check out your website out of curiosity. Because I'm a marketing coach and because this is my secret stalkerish hobby. And... OMG.

Where did you go??? I'm looking at something grey and "professional." Gag.

Hey creative business owners, call the shots on those trade-off's.

Hey creative business owners, call the shots on those trade-off's.

I've had to adjust my strategy a lot in the last few weeks. It doesn't have to do with trying to make more money. Some will call this approach silly, but I'm actually working really hard toward making my business DELIGHTFUL - both for my audience and for myself.

As you can imagine, the first year of business is intense. You get to battle with yourself a lot, go mad a little, and sacrifice some sleep and sanity along the way. Mostly because you're improvising and trying to do everything and failing and it's hard...

I've decided that the self-inflicted madness stops. TODAY.