How to get rid of your Inner Critic.

How to get rid of your Inner Critic.

Hey there rebel!

If you’re a creative of any sort, or a human of any sort, you know what it’s like to have a grumpy old puss inside your brain spoiling everyone’s fun.

Yes, I’m talking about your Inner Critic.

Back when I was starting this brand in 2015, I had a major case of Impostor Syndrome and my Inner Critic was milking it. He was saying that I sucked, that I couldn’t do anything right, and why even bother…

Balancing creative work and creative hobbies.

Balancing creative work and creative hobbies.

Hey there rebel!

Have you ever had any trouble balancing your work with your creativity?

I’ve recently experienced a difficulty around the impossible task of doing both my online business and my fiction writing justice. I would either jump into one and then have no energy for the other, or I would try to do both and fail.

Balancing work and hobbies is hard enough, but when your work is creative and your hobby is creative, WATCH OUT.

Today I’m talking about this on my Youtube channel and sharing how I’m planning to tackle this problem…

Having “too many passions” doesn’t mean you can’t follow one path.

Having “too many passions” doesn’t mean you can’t follow one path.

Hey there rebel!

Do you have “too many passions”? Does it drive you crazy? Do you sometimes wish you could have "a “one true calling” like the normal people?

Yeah… I know that feeling well.

The good news is: You don’t need one passion to have one path.

In today’s vlog I tell you my multipassionate story - how I went through all the things to arrive back to where I started. Your journey will be different, but maybe you’ll find parts that resonate and make you feel better.

When was the last time you did that thing?

When was the last time you did that thing?

Hey there rebel!

The day has come - I have started VLOGGING.

(And I don’t mean like last couple of times when I did a few videos and then dropped off the face of Youtube for a year.)

My goal for this channel is to share my thoughts as a writer, multipassionate, and creative rebel, and have you join me on this crazy journey.

The first vlog is a tiny motivational video…