The 5 Keys to Cutting Back On Consumption & Amping Up Your Creativity

The 5 Keys to Cutting Back On Consumption & Amping Up Your Creativity

You've got a ton to do, but everything's distracting you. You find yourself using social media too much and reading too many blogs, and by the way, you should have finished that product a hundred times by now, but you keep putting it off...

Did I get it right? Probably because I felt this way just two weeks ago. 

I've been putting off finishing important products and launches, and for what? For a ton of tweets, reading blogs I don't care that much for, and Gilmore Girls re-runs?! If I want to up my game, I'll have to figure out a more productive system, and here it is.

Big Magic: The Importance of Goose Bumps And Doing Things "Just for Fun"

Big Magic: The Importance of Goose Bumps And Doing Things "Just for Fun"

As I read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, I recall the times when I read this kind of thing on the regular. Eight years ago, I had just started University and went into the U.S. for a summer job of knocking on doors and being chased by dogs, a.k.a. "door-to-door sales".

In my free time - which was measly - I spent every minute pouring over books about writing because I had never had access to those before. You know the usuals - Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott, The Writer's Journey by Julia Cameron, and so on.

I can hardly remember a time when I was more inspired than I was back then. And I wasn't writing, don't get me wrong. I was just consuming all the inspiration I could get from those people - it was my morning breakfast and my evening meal. It was what kept me sane and growing and just full of joy. All summer, amidst my inability to sell a thing.