Build a professional and beautiful-looking website without learning code.

Build a professional and beautiful-looking website without learning code.

I've only had this website up for a month now and I'm in love with it.

I am constantly improving it, playing with it, and discovering new levels of awesome in the meantime. And this is only possible because it's hosted on Squarespace.

Easiest website builder you'll ever use.

What's the difference between startup founder and small (creative) business owner?

What's the difference between startup founder and small (creative) business owner?

I recently talked to a potential client and explained that I work with small business owners. His immediate response was: Yes, I'm a small business owner!

But he was not. At least not the way I see it.

So I decided to write this post, to explain to you AND myself what the big difference between a startup founder and a small business owner is. There are many differences, of course, but there's just one that makes all the difference.

How I Became My Own Boss by Side-Hustling and Doing What I Love

How I Became My Own Boss by Side-Hustling and Doing What I Love

Firstly, I believe in the side hustle 100%. It's unrealistic to think that you could ever reach a moment where you can just cut off all financial security and start the career of your dreams. Unless you have years of savings or planning a couchsurfing trip.

You know who else believes in it? Marie Forleo. She was a bartender and fitness instructor when she was first launching her life coaching business.

But beware. There's a trap where the unassuming fall to their detriment. It's called "the eternal side-hustle". 

You have plenty of talents, skills, and passion. Don't ever say otherwise.

You have plenty of talents, skills, and passion. Don't ever say otherwise.

 honestly don't understand what people mean when they say they "don't have talents" or they "don't have any skills". I'm assuming you've human and you've been on this planet a while, maybe some time beyond college. So how can you not have these things?!

Well, let me tell you - you have them! And you have them aplenty. :)

And so many successful people will back me up on this. Off the top of my head: Oprah, Marie Forleo, Gary Vaynerchuk, Jeff Goins, Jon Acuff, James Clear, and many more.

You could say that discovering these things in yourself and using them the best you can is the secret to happiness and success. 

How to Align Everything Before Selling (Complete Guide with Exercises)

How to Align Everything Before Selling (Complete Guide with Exercises)

Imagine you’re building a house. You start with the first floor, then the second, and years later — after you’ve lived in it for a while — you want to add a balcony or another floor, but your contractor tells you the house wasn’t built for that. 

Do you tear it down and start over or do you wish you’d thought about it earlier?

This building is your business. (And your services, and your products.) Starting over is costly and timely, so you need an excellent foundation with room for growth.

This is why I created the following "Venn Alignment Diagram".