Module 3:
Honor Your Callings
To download the lessons, just click on the download icon - top right corner.
If you need accountability, schedule a focus session with me or with someone else on focusmate.
Good luck!
Action Book #3 (print)
Action Book #3 (digital)
Links: - Marie Forleo's site - food + fitness project - food + travel project - Regina Anaejionu's site - Sarah von Bargen's blog
My Brand Galaxy (video) - pdf and psd (files)
Start from the Core (article)
Niche Like a Rebel (article)
Hey multipassionate!
You could say that this is the most important module of all because it's about Creative Convergence, or bringing your passions together in your own way. I hope you have completed all the modules so far, however, because they will make this easier for you.
Don't hesitate to email me at with your results from this and any questions or feedback you might have. Good luck, rebel. :)
Lesson 1: Honor Your Callings
In this introductory lesson I explain the difference between a calling and a purpose, and why it's important to follow both, and especially follow each calling.
Lesson 2: Paths to Creative Convergence
In this lesson, we'll discuss what Creative Convergence is and how it is the most important thing for the Multipassionate. Also, we'll cover the 5 paths to achieve it.
(Feel free to mix and match parts of the paths to fit your own unique path best.)
Lesson 3: To Niche or Not to Niche
Let's discuss whether "nicheing" is right for you and how Multipassionates niche differently from most experts, so that we can have both constancy and flexibility.
This is the story of how I found my path to Creative Convergence and "niched down" even though as a Multipassionate, I don't usually like to do that. Hopefully you can relate to some of the struggles and find your own opportunities in this honest account. Rebel on!