

Do you have too many interests?

Tired of jumping from one interest to another and starting from square one every few months? Of getting distracted and leaving a trail of unfinished projects? Let me show you how being multipassionate can work FOR you instead of against you.



You don't have one calling, but many callings, and you want to bring them together into something amazing!

The Multipassionate Puzzle course will help.


The Multipassionate Puzzle - the online course for people with too many interests who want to integrate their interests into the ultimate career path or creative business.

Right now you're not happy because you're all over the place, going from one project to another, one business to another. Meanwhile all of your concerned friends and family wish that you would just discover your "thing" already. They say you're flakey, not serious, etc.

Just because everyone wants you to be more focused and choose something to specialize in, doesn't mean that you should.

You've probably also started so many things that you're leaving a trail of unfinished projects behind you. Or maybe you're juggling so many projects right now, you're starting to burn out.

It's exhausting. And you're over it.

Now you're ready to embrace who you are, who you've always been, and to show everyone you can make this work, dammit.

There's nothing wrong with being multipassionate, and I'll show you how to work with it rather than fight against it.

I created this course specifically for you, to meet you where you are and take you to the other side, where you'll find your own authentic path, the one that you've always been afraid was out of reach, but trust me, it is there and it's waiting for you to take it. Now take the first step.

This is what I needed 2 years ago, and now you have it. :)

I really couldn’t make sense of why I couldn’t focus and do anything properly. So fist of all, a massive THANK YOU!

It’s such a relief to put a name to what I’m feeling, to know that I’m not a total fuck up because I don’t function the way everybody else does and that I’m not alone with this.
— Vera
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Honor Your TRUTH

Here you'll learn what the 3 vital elements of your truth are, so that you can understand who you are, embrace your multipotentiality, and lead a fulfilled life.

You'll also get 1 workbook full of actionable questions, exercises, and resources, and you'll hear the story of How I found my purpose in my life story.


Honor Your WAYS

Here you'll learn how to pay more attention to your strengths than your weaknesses, and more importantly, you'll learn what your core strengths are, finally.

You'll also get 1 workbook full of actionable questions, exercises, and resources, and you'll hear the story of What happened when I discovered my 5 core strengths.




Here you'll learn about the vital difference between a purpose and a calling, how to integrate your callings into the ultimate path, and how to "niche" like a rebel.

You'll also get 1 workbook full of actionable exercises and resources, and you'll hear the story of How I found my path to creative convergence and niched down eventually.


Honor Your IDEAS

Here you'll learn how to figure out which idea (of your many and many) is worth pursuing and how to sustain your creative focus, that fickle, fickle being.

You'll also get 1 workbook full of actionable questions, exercises, and resources, and you'll hear the story of How I stopped being an insecure creative.



Honor Your HABITS

Here you'll learn how to take back control over your creative process by improving the one thing you do control - your habits - and turn your bad habits into better ones.

You'll also get 1 workbook full of actionable questions, exercises, and resources, and you'll hear the story of How a tiny little habit grew into a gigantic one.


Your Multipassionate Brand

Here you'll learn how to bring your passions together into the ultimate brand/business, one that feels good and lasts - my signature program for multipassionates.

You will also get the step-by-step exercise I give to my clients, and you'll hear the story of The Multipassionate Dream, which you'll probably relate to a lot.






I love the notion of creative convergence and I’m all for creating my multipassionate brand.

I’m enjoying this process so much! I think we multipassionates need a structure that works for us, but a structure nonetheless.
— Eduardo

Let's do this!


When you buy the course, you'll get instant access to the modules.


Choose this one if you want to get the course AND one-on-one coaching.


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Immediately after you buy the course, you get access to everything.


Each module contains 3 audio lessons and 1 audio story, and they're super short, so listen to those first.



After listening to the lessons, you're ready to take on the workbook (both print and digital), and each one is 20 pages because you need to do the work to get the results you want.



Finally, you'll have an option to do focus sessions with me and other rebels. It's like virtual coworking and it gives you the accountability you need to get sh*t done. It's ah-mazing.


Try to do the work as you go and remember to check your inbox for updates because sometimes I add new features to the course. :)


You'll understand why you are the way you are.

And you'll feel more confident about embracing your strengths.

You are strongest when you keep collecting your passions and combine them in new and unexpected ways. Once you see there are amazing multipassionates who are making it work, you'll be more confident in doing your thing in your own way.


You'll be able to integrate your many passions.

And you'll have a strong and lasting foundation for anything you start.

The secret to bringing your passions together into the ultimate career or blog or business or whatever it is you want to have is creating a strong and lasting foundation that you can evolve in time and build upon endlessly, which is what this course will give you.

You'll have faced your biggest challenges.

Things that held you back before won't be so scary after this.

You know the perennial challenges we face... finishing your projects, focusing on one idea when there are so many, letting your fears and bad habits determine how far you get in life, etc. After this course, you'll be better equipped to deal with those suckers.


You don't need to play it by their rules.

Explore all of your multitudes.


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I'm Violeta, and I'm a multipassionate creative rebel.

I've been a business owner for 7 years, the first one being a startup, the second a freelance consultancy business, and now the brand that you see. I've been coaching fellow creative rebels for 3 years, so you're in good hands.

I've also started dozens of creative blogs, projects, and collaborations for the decade I've worked on the Internet, and when I finally started this business in 2015, I was home. I've been growing and evolving it since, but not once have I had the desire to start over. I want to give you the same.


I really love your personality and vibe.

You bring this beautiful creative energy to this and I can tell you are passionate about multipassionates! That really made me feel special and like I had a space I belonged in.

I didn’t feel alone on this road.
— Ephraim



When you buy the course, you'll get instant access to the modules.


Choose this one if you want to get the course AND one-on-one coaching.



Who's this for?

This training is for people who have too many interests and who find it hard to bring them together. You want to do everything, you can't just choose.

You're multipassionate! You were just born that way, and there's nothing wrong with that, my friend. Your mind works differently and your life path looks differently from the person next to you, so take a breath and take this training.

What's multipassionate?

Being multipassionate means that you have many interests and that you can't choose one thing to specialize in. While most people think this is a bad thing and society favors specialists, it's normal for us to jump from one thing to another and sometimes even bring our passions together. I wanna help you do it in a way that doesn't make you or the people around you crazy, frustrated, or exhausted.

No more compromising, and no more choosing. Dammit.

I tried to integrate my interests once. It was a disaster.

No offence, but you're probably making the same mistake everyone else does when they attempt this - you squish everything together and try to make sense of it. But because you haven't done it in the smartest way, it doesn't. There's a method to this madness and without it, you won't have much success.

What if I don't want to bring my passions together?

You don't have to bring your passions together, but you do need to understand your multipotentiality better and you do need to be able to see the big picture, and that's what The Multipassionate Puzzle is really about. Before you can get anywhere amazing, you first need to figure out where you want to go, and this course will give you all the elements you need, to put it all together. 

How is this course new or different?

Oh it's new and different all right. I haven't come across many like it, have you?

It's the direct result of years of wandering and having to figure it all out on my own while the world seemed to be against me. Luckily, I did not give up on my multipassionate path, and now I want to help you embrace yours. :)

How long will I have it for?

You will have lifetime access to this course, including access to new additions. (For example, I recently added a bonus lesson and focus sessions, and I'm working on a request I got from a couple of students.)

It's safe to say this is a course that's going to keep on giving. 

Other questions?

Just shoot me an email at